
An exclusive, FREE online educational workshop.

How to generate predictable, consistent, fixed annual returns of 9-11% every year WITHOUT paying fees to an advisor OR losing sleep worrying about your money.

Register now and save your seat!

Space is limited to the first
25 registered guests.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

6:30 PM

An exclusive, FREE online educational workshop.

Sponsored by

Lori Hause

of TLC Mortgage Group

Facilitated by

Chris Nichilo

of Magnetic Capital Group

What is the Private Mortgage Investing Mastery Series?

Private mortgage investing is the most predictable, consistent, safe way to earn high, fixed annual returns you can count on. Unfortunately, most people have never been show how they work or how to get involved the easy way. The Private mortgage investing mastery series is changing that.

What will you learn if you attend a PMI Mastery Series event?

In less than an hour, you will get answers to all of the following questions and more.

Why PMIs with Magnetic are safer than anything your financial planner or bank has ever suggested you invest in.

Why homeowners are willing to pay you 9-11% per year to access the equity in their property and how it can still be affordable for them to manage.

Why you never have to pay fees to invest in PMIs with Magnetic.

How Magnetic Capital attracts hundreds of applications for private mortgages from homeowners every month.

Why we only fund 1 of every 10 applications we see and how we know its the right one.

How we manage everything for our Investors so they can focus on the other things that matter to them without worrying about their investments.

How Magnetic protects you when things don’t go as planned.

How to generate predictable, consistent, fixed annual returns of 9-11% every year WITHOUT paying fees to an advisor OR losing sleep worrying about your money.

How to generate predictable, consistent, fixed annual returns of 9-11% every year WITHOUT paying fees to an advisor OR losing sleep worrying about your money.

Magnetic Capital Group is a fully licensed private mortgage administrator and Canada’s premier provider of PMI opportunities to the public. Led by nationally recognized financial literacy leader Chris Nichilo, Magnetic boasts a decade-long track record helping Canadians earn high, fixed annual returns safely without the high costs of paying fees to a financial advisor.

Chris Nichilo is a nationally recognized financial literacy leader and the founder of Magnetic Capital Group. He is also the facilitator of the PMI Mastery Series workshops. Chris’ expertise is in mortgage management and investing and he’s best known to Canadians as the creator of “The Method”, a proprietary system anyone can use to pay their mortgage off years sooner and save thousands of dollars in interest along the way.

Space is limited to the first

25 registered guests.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

6:30 PM


6:30 PM

An exclusive, FREE online educational workshop.

Here’s what Canadian Investors have to say about their Magnetic experience.

Once I learned everything that goes into finding, assessing, and managing private mortgages I came to appreciate how valuable the service Magnetic provides is. They don’t just do the work though; they teach you exactly what they’re doing so you never feel like you’re just handing your money to a stranger and hoping for the best. They don’t just understand mortgages. They understand service.

Nathan, Toronto

Security and consistency. That’s what Magnetic is all about. I used to think I needed to chase higher returns, but my Magnetic experience has taught me that I can get there sooner making a consistent 9-11% and they deliver it month in and month out with no hassles and I never worry.

Ann, Ottawa

Magnetic never makes a promise they can’t keep. Every opportunity is high quality, the collateral is always excellent, and they take care of everything at no cost. I don’t know how they do it, but they never deduct a penny from my interest. The team is so knowledgeable and helpful at every stage, and I never feel like just another customer. It’s an amazing thing they’ve built here.

Josh, Hamilton


Register now and save your seat!

Space is limited to the first 25 registered guests.

Sponsored by

Facilitated by

Magnetic Capital Group. 2024 © All rights reserved.

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We look forward to seeing you at the event!